Terms of Payment

For payment of the price of the products and related shipping and delivery costs you may follow one of the methods indicated in the order form.

In case of payment by credit card, the financial information (for example, the number of the credit/debit card or the date of its expiration) will be forwarded, via encrypted protocol, to ShopPay, GPay or other banks that provide the relevant remote electronic payment services, without third parties being able, in any way, to access it. This information, moreover, will never be used by the Seller nor by the person responsible for the custody and processing of personal data except to complete the procedures relating to your purchase and to issue the relevant refunds in the event of any returns of products, following the exercise of your right of withdrawal or if it is necessary to prevent or report to the police the commission of fraud on Florilege.it. The price for the purchase of products and shipping costs, as indicated in the order form, will be charged to your bank account upon confirmation of the order form.


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